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A history of the Greenwich Blue Coat Schools

1700 ~ 2014
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The Order Book contains a record of the weekly meetings of  the Ladies Committee, which help to gain an insight into the daily life of the school. (NB Original spelling)


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23 January 1748

Order’d that Ten Bibles be bought for ye Girls bound in Sheepskin.

Order’d that seventeen pairs of shoes be made for ye Girls by Mr Stafford.

(The cost was £2.5 shillings (£2.25) and needed mending within a year!)

Order’d that an Ironing cloth be bought of coarse swanskin.

13 August 1748

Ord’d that the old Bed (being full of vermin) be burned.

(Three new beds were bought, made of oak and 5' 3" long.  

The floorboards and furniture were painted with verdigris to kill the bugs.)

22 August 1748

Ord’d that fourteen pair of Leather Bodice be bought.

Ord’d that the well at ye New house be alter’d to a Pump.

Ord’d that 4 Thimbles be bought, half a pound of Pins, & a Hund’d needles.

17 October 1748

Ord’d that two wooden Dishes, two spoons, two Trenchers, two Knives & Forks, two Combs & 4 Stone Chamberpots be bought for the new girls.

17 May 1751

Ordered that a Pint of Turpentine be bought to kill ye Bugs in ye Bedsteds.

7 June 1751

Mrs Wolfe and Mrs Newington have been so Bountyfull as to make a Present of Eight handosme red Leather Chairs w’th Stuffed Backs for the Parlour.

9 August 1751

Lady Creed having found out a place where Bodices are made very good and very cheap for five Shillings a pair Order’d that three pair be bought.

And then the Comittee Ajournd to Fryday ye  23d Instt.