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A history of the Greenwich Blue Coat Schools

1700 ~ 2014
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The School Archives hold copies of printed annual reports for the years 1901, 1912 and 1913. Each gives a snapshot of the school, its activities and the people involved with it. Details of the objects and management are included, along with a list of subscribers and a balance sheet.

The 1913 report also includes a list of the girls at the school in that year. At this time the school was still operating as an Orphanage with a total of 17 girls. 15 attended Holy Trinity Church of England School and 2 girls were listed as ‘home girls’ which probably means that they were being trained by the Matron before being placed in service. The title page is reproduced opposite.



President -

Sir W.H. M. Christie, K.C.B., F.R.S.

Treasurer -

W.F. Soames, Esq., 12, St. German’s Place, Blackheath

Trustees -

Sir W. H.. M. Christie K.C.B.

F. W. Dyson, Esq., M.A ., Astronomer Royal

E. M. Roe, Esq., R.N.

J. K. Soames, Esq.     W. F. Soames, Esq.

Ladies’ Committee of Management -

    Miss Airy            Mrs Corfe                Miss A. Dewick

    Miss Fearon       Mrs W. T. Money     Mrs A. Sherman

                       Mrs W. F. Soames    Miss Upton

Hon. Secretary -

Miss Fearon, Holy Trinity Vicarage, Blackheath Hill.

Hon. Auditors

Messers. McAuliffe, Davis and Hope,

Threadneedle House, 34, Bishopsgate, E.C.

Matron -

Miss Sneyd

Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer,         or by the Hon. Secretary.

The Ladies’ Committee have pleasure in submitting their Report for the year 1913, which has been a year of quiet usefulness in the history of the school without any special event to record.

The highlight of the year was a three week holiday that the girls spent on the Ionia House Boat at Aldeburgh on Sea in August. The girls had given a successful entertainment in April at Bennett Street Mission Room and raised £7.9s.9d. Towards the cost of the holiday. A number of subscriptions were also given to help with the total cost which is shown in the accounts of £15.13s.10d.

