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A history of the Greenwich Blue Coat Schools

1700 ~ 2014
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The House System

Pastoral care in the school continued to be organised through the House System. There were five houses, each responsible for a maximum of 180 pupils, led by a Head of House and a team of tutors., each with a vertical tutor goup made of pupils from years 1 to 5.(7 to 11). Each House occupied one block of the school building and had a social area which was open to pupils from  8am and throughout the day. Each house also had a House Chaplain who was an incumbent in a local parish, linking the House with the wider church community beyond the school.

Blackheath Bluecoat School 1980 - 1985

Sixth Form and Senior Management Team 1985

In the 1980s the school continued to develop its curriculum offer. The high cost of providing sixth form courses led to the formation of consortia of schools. In 1983 BBCS entered discussions with The John Roan School and Greenwich Park School on the provision of sixth form courses which resulted in the formation of the Park Consortium. This enabled the provision of a much wider curriculum offer for 16 - 19 years olds, including Advanced level courses in 18 subjects with a full range of ‘O’ level, A/O, CEE (Certificate of Extended Education) and CSE (Certificate of Secondary Education) also available for post 16 pupils. The Consortium also provided a number of vocational courses such as CPVE (Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education), B/TEC Awards,  RSA  and the City & Guilds Foundation and Pre-Vocational (365) Courses. Pupils moved between school sites for their teaching, but were based on their home site for pastoral oversight. Some courses were also offered in co-operation with Woolwich and South East London Further Education Colleges. Following the closure of Greenwich Park School the Sixth Form Consortium was reorganised and became the Central Park Consortium with the addition of Eaglesfield and Kidbrook Schools.

Aim & Objectives

 During the late 1970s the school aim was:

“To provide an environment in which each young person can grow in an appreciation of Christian values and standards, in an understanding of the meaning of a Christian way of life. To establish a community in which each pupil is given the opportunity to develop his or her potential, spiritual, intellectual, physical and social, in preparation for life in society.”

In October 1983 the governors formulated a more detailed Aim and Objectives.:


To enable each pupil to develop his or her full potential, spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially by providing an environment based upon sound Christian principles and values.


1. A balanced curriculum to equip each pupil with the educational foundation for the rest of his or her life.

2. The opportunity for each pupil to explore the Christian faith, its beliefs, its values and its way of life.

3. The recognition by each pupil of his or her infinite worth as a child of God and the same recognition in others, whatever their beliefs.

4. A respect for authority by all members of the school through the development in each of a spirit of self-discipline and mutual trust.

5. A sense of reverence for all creation and the right use of material resources.

6. A sense of generosity towards others.

