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A history of the Greenwich Blue Coat Schools

1700 ~ 2014
Home Greenwich Blue Coat School 1700 St John's National School Blackheath & Kidbrooke School Blackheath Bluecoat School School Archives Contact Home Greenwich Blue Coat School 1700 St John's National School Blackheath & Kidbrooke School Blackheath Bluecoat School School Archives Contact Entries in the Order Book 1748 - Punishments From the Archives . . .

17 February 1749

Hollands having been guilty of a great many faults Espetially telling of Lyes, her Cloaths were stripped of her Arms and she was severely wipped upon the back.

4 October 1751

Martha Blount having several times behaved very ill and threatned to Murder her Self, and lately repeated the same faults and threatned to poison her Mistress and all the Children, the Committee have this day come to a Resolution to Expel her the school and sent for her Mother and made her take her home with her. Ordered that she shall have the Cloaths upon her back (as they are the old ones) and one more Shift, Check Apron and cap.

17 April 1752

Betty Gardner having behaved for a long time in an Insolent, Audacious manner to Mrs Tayler, and not mending for any Correction or Punishment she could give her, the Ladies had rods put into all the other Girls' hands, and obliged them all to wip her as She ran throw the midst of them backward and forwards in the School as long as they thought propper, her Cloaths being stripped off her back down to her Waist.

Entries in the Order Book 1748 - Placing the girls for employment

12 June 1749

We propose to put every Girl out Aprentice for Five Years, and oblige the Mistress to find them in Cloaths & Victuals & Drink & Lodging ye  first three Years,  the next Year to give them Forty shillings and the last Year Fifty shillings Wages insted of Cloaths, But at the end of three years she must furnish them with the same sort of Cloaths both in quantity and quality as she had when she came to her and when the Aprenticeship is out is desired to deliver Her up to the Ladies of the Comittee at the School House.

6 March 1752

Since we last met one Eliz. Jones a School Mistress wanting a Prentice came to Mrs Tayler to desire one of the Girls out of our school, & being in hast, Mistress Taylor went round to the Ladys to ask, who knowing the Womans Character gave leave that Mary Bush should go to her upon Tryall.

3 April 1752

Mary Bush having been a Month upon Tryall with Mis Jones they both came according to Appointment and declared their liking of each other, & Sign’d ye Indentures.


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